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How to connect FreeAgent with HMRC

The introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) has brought changes for companies, requiring them to use appropriate software to file VAT submissions. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through a straightforward step-by-step process to seamlessly connect FreeAgent with HMRC.

Step 1:

On FreeAgent, go to “Connections” (just under “Settings” (from top right):

Step 2:

Please select “HMRC Connections”

Step 3:

You should see a page like the this.

Please click on the green “connect to FreeAgent to HMRC” button

Step 4:

You’ll be diverted to the a GOV.UK webpage titled “Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf. Please press ‘Continue’.

Step 5:

Scroll to the section about you doing it for your own business, click “Continue” then provide your 12 digit HMRC gateway ID and password one more time:

Enter gateway ID/password again

Step 6:

Then click “Grant authority”

Grant authority

Following that, you’re done. You should revert back to FreeAgent and see:

From now on, you’ll barely notice the difference. You’ll still submit VAT returns from FreeAgent, only difference of note for you as a user is that you won’t need to put in your HMRC gateway ID and password each time, as there’s a permanent link already set up.

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