The introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) has brought changes for companies, requiring them to use appropriate software to file VAT submissions. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through a straightforward step-by-step process to seamlessly connect FreeAgent with HMRC.
Step 1:
On FreeAgent, go to “Connections” (just under “Settings” (from top right):
Step 2:
Please select “HMRC Connections”
Step 3:
You should see a page like the this.
Please click on the green “connect to FreeAgent to HMRC” button
Step 4:
You’ll be diverted to the a GOV.UK webpage titled “Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf. Please press ‘Continue’.
Step 5:
Scroll to the section about you doing it for your own business, click “Continue” then provide your 12 digit HMRC gateway ID and password one more time:
Step 6:
Then click “Grant authority”
Following that, you’re done. You should revert back to FreeAgent and see:
From now on, you’ll barely notice the difference. You’ll still submit VAT returns from FreeAgent, only difference of note for you as a user is that you won’t need to put in your HMRC gateway ID and password each time, as there’s a permanent link already set up.